Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Garden of the Month


The November Garden of the Month was awarded to 64 Flamingo
Le Petit Jardin was awarded to 17 Finch
The Honorable Mention was awarded to 3 Heron

We all need to thank our great GOM committee ladies who travel the parks and lanes each month in search of interesting gardens...Vonni Contreary, Ros Wingerter, Joel Myers, Liz Leonard.


1 comment:

Tanya Boracay said...

Hello kimberly,

What a beautiful house garden. They look healthy.

Just like to share with you a quote...

"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk." - J.C. Penney

You can get more quotes at