Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's meeting at Yvonne McCulla's absolutely gorgeous home. Along with Yvonne, Head Hostess Lynn Long and her hard-working team comprised of Anne McSweeney, Cindy Moll, JoAnn Stevens, Marian Blanchard, and Ann Christenberry all did a wonderful job to provide our members with a first class luncheon. Attached are Susan Bennett's photos (thank you, Susan!) The committee photo includes (from left to right): myself, Anne McSweeney, Lynn Long, Cindy Moll, JoAnn Stevens, Yvonne McCulla, Marian Blanchard, Ann Christenberry.
Thanks to Karen Smith's informative report, our group learned interesting facts about the numerous crows in our neighborhood. Michele Bravo's Horticultural report always inspires us to get out in the garden! Our speaker Kenny Rabalais from the Plant Gallery delighted everyone with his beautiful plants and amusing stories.
Lastly, and most importantly, we accomplished the nominations and confirmations of our incoming officers for next year. Our new officers are:
Co-Presidents Jolanta Tipler and Kelly Alfortish
1st Vice President (programs) Beth Juge
2nd Vice President (membership) Yvonne McCulla
Treasurer Susan McArdle
Recording Secretary Jennifer Warden
Corresponding Secretary Laurie Bernard
Parliamentarian Therese Kessels
I know that we'll have a great new year ahead with our wonderful new Board! Please send in your $30 dues to Yvonne McCulla as soon as possible to avoid the summertime payment crunch. Also, if you are planning to attend the Ralph's on the Park ($38) luncheon on May 6th, you can make out one check for $68 payable to LVGC.
I've enjoyed my 2 year term as President. I especially want to thank the Board Members, Committee Heads, Hostesses and all those who helped make the past two years memorable. I've enjoyed getting to know so many of you on a more personal level. Lake Vista is such a beautiful and special neighborhood, and I'm happy to have all of you as my friends.
See you in the parks and lanes,