Le Petit Jardin for November, 2008 is the lush, colorful street-side garden at 13 Thrasher Street, the home of Allen Rosenzweig. A handsome and attractive garden featuring perimeter beds of flowers and greenery framing the square of front lawn. The primary focus is the dramatic and colorful entranceway garden centered in the angle between the house and carport. This month it is ablaze with thick clusters of flowering bushes in fall shades, beautifully enhancing the light-colored brick of the house.
Runner-up to the Garden of the Month – Honorable Mention – is awarded to Dodie Spencer-Smith for her handsome (and highly-visible) garden at 24 Thrush Street. Always meticulously groomed and well-designed to provide balance and interest to the wedge-shaped lot, the primarily green garden features groupings and borders of a variety of shaped bushes, palms, and small trees against the soft pink brick of the house. This month the handsome design is enlivened by beds of colorful flowers.